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Thursday, March 29, 2007

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pier fishing

An interesting fishing read
Bass Fishing In The Winter In The North

Author: Charles White
The next few days in Ohio are supposed to be in the 50's, so, guess what I plan on doing if the lakes thaw out? Yep, go fishing for bass. As you know the bass are not going to spend a lot of energy going after your bait, so offer them something a little larger than usual. A 10" worm comes to mind, a pig and jig or something to that effect. Where you might have this in the water for 30 seconds in the summer, now it might take 4 or 5 minutes. Work it slow.......very slow. Does this work? Well, one day it was so cold outside I never even got out of the truck, my fishing partner wanted to fish this new lake even though the wind was blowing about 20 miles an hour. Can you imagine my surprise when he came back about 10 minutes later with a bass over 5 pounds? He was working a grape colored worm very, very slow. I have fished in the winter ever since that day. Charles E. White has fished for almost 50 years for bass from California to Florida. In his lifetime, it is estimated that he has caught over 6,000 bass. His biggest bass is a 12 pound 14 ounce that hangs on his wall in his office. Charles has fished with people who have never fished for bass before and taught them how to become successful anglers and also has fished with the Pros in Florida. His new website about fishing for bass is at http://www.bassfishingweekly.com " http://www.bassfishingweekly.com . ...

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An interesting fishing read
Easy Gulf Coast Grouper Fishing - Part I

Author: Bluewater
The gulf coast of Florida offers some of the best grouper fishing around. The Gulf has fairly calm water most of the year (except for our new 11 month recent hurricane season). The gear is pretty simple: a fairly stout rod, I say fairly stout because you don't want your rod too stiff because this will effect the action it has on the bait�more on this later. I use 40lb line on the reel with a 100lb shock leader, and about an 8/0 hook. I like to use live bait for grouper fishing but some prefer jigs, spoons, and even heavy grade trolling lures. After gear, guests, and boat are ready we need to catch some bait. I like to use the "junk" fish that you catch when bottom fishing with smaller rigs. Blue runners, sand perch, lizard fish, etc� Grouper are not real picky eaters when it comes to live bait. Yes, they do have favorites like anything else that eats, but the fish mentioned above will work great. I start my day with a piece of a large squid, about the size of you open hand is usually enough. I like to use large squid because it is tougher and stays on the hook better. Check you local fish market for availability. We head out and stop around the 45' area and start looking for our bait. Most of the time there are no clear signs of where the bait is, you just have to keep trying till you have some luck. The bait we are looking for is holding on the bottom most of the time unless you can find some sardines in the area, then try a Sabaki rig or something similar. Cut your squid into small strips and send it to the bottom and see if any small bait fish are going cooperate with your plans. Unless you have a favorite area to catch bait, you might have to move around till you start getting bites. We usually move about 300-500 feet each move till the bait starts biting. After you get a couple dozen baitfish in the livewell head on out to your fishing area. Ours is around the 100 foot mark and is a series of GPS marks in a 3-5 mile square area. If we don't get a bite in 20-30 minutes or so we will move on to another GPS mark in the area, (and no, I won't give you my GPS #'s)�sorry! This article is continued in part II. Article Source : http://www.articledashboard.com You can read more about fishing techniques, submit your fishing photos, check out some tackle classified ads, or just look through our fishing forums at saltwater-angler.com Thanks for reading! Bluewater ...

This is a good fishing site

Gary Yamamoto Tiny Ika

Gary Yamamoto Tiny Ika is one of many products in the LandBigFish.com fishing tackle and outdoors store.

Price: 5.49

fishing island
oscar fish