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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

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A fishing article for you to read 4 Critical Fly Fishing Tips

Author: Frank Faldo
Good Fly Presentation Obviously, the goal when casting a fly is to present the fly to the fish in a realistic manner. You are trying to simulate nature here. If you are going for trout in a stream, for instance, this means a drag-free float of 36 inches over a precise spot that marks the window of a feeding fish. Also remember that the http://www.eveningsecretfishing.com/specialsecret/4_Fly_Fishing_Tips.php Evening Secret ( http://www.eveningsecretfishing.com/specialsecret/4_Fly_Fishing_Tips.php http://www.eveningsecretfishing.com/specialsecret/4_Fly_Fishing_Tips.php ) will swarm fish to your spot consistantly, and help you catch more fish. Never randomly cast � you have got to pick a spot and hit it. Throw tight loops that put the fly on target. One important method that can be used is to overcast the target and stop the line short while it is in the air. The fly should come back to you and fall on the water with slack in the leader. The best trout fishermen fish with only 30 to 35 feet of line, but make up for this with accurate casting. They read waters will and put the fly in the p ay zone time after time. One of the most important thins they do is to recognize that presentation and approach are much more important than pattern. It is different for bass. Whether a surface bug or a streamer, the offering must move past a spot where a bass is apt to hold. As the boat drifts, it is important to pick a precise time to shoot a cast to the target. Too soon or too late, and the fly won't be in the right spot. This is where the double haul form of casting becomes essential. It generates line speed and enables the caster to pick 30 or 40 feet of line off the water and shoot another without false casting. When bassing, make your presentation, retrieve 10 to 20 feet, pick up, and cast again without the need to false cast. After each one, drop the rod type and keep the butt of the rod near your belt buckle with the tip-top of the rod pointing at the line. A simple lift will let you execute the next pickup or strike a fish. Leader Connection If you are a fly caster, you know that a smooth connection between the leader and fly line is important in presentation. The best way to do this is to nail-knot a six-inch piece of 25-30 pound leader material to the end of the fly line. A loop like those found on snelled hooks is then tied into the opposite end. The connecting leader must also have a loop. Connecting the leader itself is done by passing the loop attached to the fly line through the loop on the leader; reaching through the fly line loop. Next, grab the butt section of the leader and pull the leader up through until the tippet passes the loop. Last, just pull the loops together by tugging on the fly line and the butt section in opposite directions. Strategy If you are every in a situation where see large brown trout in open water and hold, your best bet is to use a No. 12 Cinnamon Ant and sink it. If this doesn't work, move to the No.16 Adams fly. Still nothing? Switch to the No. 20 Black Ant. Last-ditch effort would be to use a 3X tippet and use a No. 6 nymph or streamer. Typically the bigger trout will leave small morsels to the small guys, preferring the bigger bites that are easy to get. They are very economical feeders. High Rider Dry Fly's If your best dry-fly patterns are failing you, it may be time to switch to spiders and variants. Many times a spider or variant will bring trout to the surface, then you can switch back to a conventional dry fly. These spiders and variants will delicately drop to the water, usually somersaulting or jumping after touching it. Fish find this very alluring. High riding is another attribute of these flies. When tied properly, their hackles support the hook above the water's surface, thus imitating a natural fly much more closely than the ordinary fly does. About the Author Copyright 2005 EveningSecretFishing.com Fishing Long-Time Fisherman and friend of EveningSecretFishing.com ( http://www.eveningsecretfishing.com/specialsecret/4_Fly_Fishing_Tips.php http://www.eveningsecretfishing.com/specialsecret/4_Fly_Fishing_Tips.php ) Feel free to use this article on your website or anywhere else - but all links and bio information must remain in tact. ...

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pier fishing


Read this about fishing Where To Take Your Fishing Vacation - Some Great Ideas

Author: Niall Pesci
There are hundreds of locations around the world that are simply excellent locations to enjoy. You will see that many of them are listed here. Others, like the favorite one that you have may not be. There are many unique ways that you too can enjoy the waters the world has to offer. Consider Manitoba, Canada The area is known as Land of Lakes that have served to produce many trophy fish. Both still and fly fishing pros love the location. In Manitoba, you'll catch some of the best northern pike and they will give you a good fight too. They strike hard and fast on the Daredevil lure. You can use flies with a good amount of success. You'll also find brook and brown trout, rainbow as well as perch and pickerel. Go in the spring or the fall for the best fishing vacation here. Good Old Long Island, New York Here, you'll find Montauk Point. Some of the world's top naturalists have come to the conclusion that this is the place to find the most fish in the world. The point is a glacial cliff and you'll find tuna, cod, mackerel, marlin, striped bass and white shark here. It also features the oldest lighthouse in the states. An inside tip is to cast from the rocks below the lighthouse and you'll get some of the best fishing out there. Although spring and fall are the best times to go, you can come during the summer too. Wyoming, USA If you are looking to catch trophy trout in the US, a vacation to Yellowstone National Park is a must. Slough Creek is full of trophy trout, as are other streams within the Park's boundaries, and they are all stocked regularly. Streams and rivers outside of the Park also offer great fishing opportunities, as do the waters of nearby Idaho and Montana. Wyoming is home to 62 native species, including Arctic grayling, burbot, channel catfish, shiners, chub, several trout species, suckers, goldeneye, mountain whitefish, shovelnose sturgeon, and a wide variety of smaller fish. The Florida Keys The Florida Keys offer a wide range of fishing opportunities. People come all year round to catch them. In fact, Hemingway himself fished here. The waters are still as excellent as they were then too. You'll find tarpin and bonefish in the Marquesas Islands. You'll find blue marlin, King mackerel, sailfish, yellowfin, shark snapper, and a wide range of others here too. Head To Hampshire, England Head just outside of London to get some of the best fly fishing opportunities. Here you'll find trout and Atlantic salmon. Check out the Itchen and Test rivers too although they are on a private island and you'll need to pay to get in, they are excellent opportunities nonetheless. You'll find trout fisheries here, too. Try Missouri, USA Go to the Ozark Mountains of Missouri. Here, you can catch bass under the limestone bluffs. You'll find that the river itself has over two hundred different species including bass, channel catfish, sunfish, bullheads, muskellunge, walleye, shad, perch and trout. You'll find more fish here than anywhere in the US. Here are some tips for you. Don't take with you all of your equipment unless you really want to. You'll find guide services will provide you with everything that you need. They can also provide the necessary fishing licenses for you too. Get your information from here too. Make sure if you plan to go out of country that you are allowed to export and import the fish, though. You can always ask other anglers where they like to fish. Some of the best locations for fishing are in those small, hideouts that are closely guarded secrets! Article Source : http://www.articledashboard.com Niall is a keen fisherman always looking at new tools to help him catch more fish. Visit Fish Finder Review for more information and great deals to help you find a Eagle fish finder or other GPS and Sonar marine navigation systems. www.fish-finder-review.com This article may be reprinted in full so long as the resource box and the live links are included intact. All rights reserved. Copyright Fish-Finder-Review.com ...

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